Tuesday, October 27, 2015

It’s me,’ said Ann, p[ausing before she turned the handle, with her cheek pressec to Comrad’s door. ‘Louise it’s me.’
            He was talking to himself in a low, continuous murmer, seasoned with heartfelt groans. Since it seemed quiet, Ann opened the door. ‘Louise it’s me’

            ‘I’ve brought you something to eat. You’ll like it, I’m sure.’


        He had stopped talking as soon as he heard the door open. She found him sitting in a chair facing the window. His back looked sullen, as though her intrusion had brought him to break off an important conversation. All in all, Gipsy felt as she edged inside, although she could not see his face, he eloquently expressed deep hostility. She made as little noise as she could with her clumsy feet, for she was getting experienced in dealing with him. For the past week she had stood trial in that room. She was weak and he was merciless – tears and insults had been freely mingled for the first couple of days, and Ann had often had to make hastly and indignified retreats, with cutlery, plates and other improved missles flyinf past her ears. It was awful, and Henrietta and Charles laughed at her attempts to conciliate him, but she would not give up. She was surprised by her own resilence.
            She held out porridge and spoon now, in an attitude of supplication. ‘Do eat, please eat.’ She advanced one step.
‘Do. Louise, just a spoonful!’
            ‘For God’s sake,’ said Louise, ‘leave me in peace!’
He spoke as if each word were an effort. She saw his shoulder
tense as he gripped the arm of his chair .
            Gently, in her softest voice, Ann said, ‘I’ll only leave you in peace if you tell me what’s the matter with you.’

            ‘I don’t think you’re really ill; I think there another reason. Is it us? Have we done something. She signed. ‘’We‘ll have to call the doctor soon
            ‘No – no I—I won’t see him! Stammered Louise’
The single candle, shedding wax gently into the saucer with every tremble of Maria’s hand, was almost useless to see anything by in the long attic, but it called up enormous shadows, which seem to leap out of her at the her at the light moved round. The candle itself, in its winding – sheet. The rain rustled on the roof and washed doen the four dormer windows. Maria De Medici’ stepping forward… Henrietta returned to England following the Restoration along with her daughter Princess Henrietta. Henrietta's return was partially prompted by a liaison between the Earl of Clarendon's daughter Anne and Henrietta's son, and described her a "very little plain old woman, and nothing more in her presence in any respect nor garb than any ordinary woman".  She took up residence once more at Somerset House, supported by a generous pension.