Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The last period of 16th century

Although Twice of the reign before this incident had taken place, Windfall Profit taxation at Pattani, Siam, laid down in coma from the poison of the king. Samurai leader Yamada Fuguyama and moans with bleeding heart in i630 and the only leading of the Yamadas had been no one but MarieThonya de Guima who was at service in the royal pantry’s palace had created a lot of disert for That’s tradition by using the Portugeese recepeiesThao Thong Kipma Marie- Tonya de Guimar will live in the early stages. Difficult. Husband was executed. Love of many lives. Was sent to be a to palace as pantry chef... But with the ability to cope up. And charming character. With leniency. End her life so happy and honored as it should be. Thao Thong Keeb, the queen of sweets Ma lived up to her expectation until the fourth reign after King Narai that had been King since 1629-1688 Sra.Ferdinand Magellan (Portuguese): This Portuguese explorer worked for the Spanish trying to find a western route around the Americas to Asia.
St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552), born of a noble Spanish family, Jesuit missionary and confessor, "Phaulcon had long thought," says the Père d'Orléans, "of bringing to Siam Jesuits who, like those in China, might introduce the Gospel at court through the mathematical sciences, especially astronomy. Six Jesuits having profited by so good an occasion as that of the embassy of the Chevalier de Chaumont to stop in Siam on their way to China, M. Constance upon[Pg 50] seeing them begged that some might be sent to him from France; and for this especial object Father Tachard, one of the six, was requested to return to Europe." This was really the first step in Phaulcon's Apostle to the Far East and special patron saint of the Missions.

The biography of St. Francis Xavier by Daurignac reprints a section of a letter he wrote to Dom John III, King of Portugal St. Francis Xavier wrote to the King, giving him this warning: It is not enough to send orders; it is necessary to punish those who disobey you, because a command unaccompanied by punishment of those who flout it is a futile thing without value. It will not stand before God as the accomplishment of your duty.

He told him: You, the King, have the obligation to punish those who violate your orders to uphold and spread the Faith as strongly as you punished those who did not pay their taxes to the Crown. If you punished them for the taxes and not for religion, it means that you consider taxes more valuable than the Catholic Faith.Father Tachard, having received from the king and his minister the necessary orders, left his companions under the direction of M. Constance, and quitted Siam, accompanied by the envoys-extraordinary of the king, at the beginning of the year 1686. He reached Brest in the month of July in the same year. "Never was negotiation more successful. Occupied as was the king in waging war with the greater part of Europe, leagued against him by the Protestant party, he made no delay in equipping vessels to convey to the king of Siam the guards which he had requested." 16th Century. "